The Wide Scope of Tasks: Structural Welding in Unusual Places

by | Nov 5, 2019 | Oil and Gas

The basics of structural welding reduce to creating a durable metal framework. Traditional functions sometimes have welders participate in creating the work for architectural and transportation constructions. Fundamental competencies include cutting and repairing items such as beams and columns. Several disciplines and industries use these practices. Despite the seeming honed focus, a lump mounts in the throat over unusual projects. Structural welding in Edmonton, Alberta reflects a sea of accomplishments in the oil and gas industry. However, at Truc Lam Buddhist Temple, form and function blended welding technique into a postulate for the region. Standing at the monastery is a Buddha supported by steel.

Welding in the Field

Through the CBC, Travis McEwan reported on March 23, 2019, that Abbot Phap Hoa led a blessing ceremony for a golden Buddha to place guardianship over the local meditation center and monastery. Held on the edge of winter, the fairly large crowd came to watch the installation of the 25-ton and 15-meter high steel sculpture on its roughly six-meter tall platform. Success filled the occasion, if not but for the professionals in structural welding in Edmonton, Alberta during the weeks before.

When most think of structural welding they muddle in thoughts of pipes and bridges. On the contrary, this endeavor can include any welding need from finishing off specifications for equipment to architecture. Issues of workmanship in quality, safety, and integrity apply to every job.

The Scope of Job Completion

With the statue of Buddha that arrived in January of this year, demand for critical infrastructure work was obvious. Abbot Hoa’s main concern was to bring the structural steel and welding up to Canadian standards. The repairs also included fixing a hand. The statue is now at a standing rest rising more than 21-meters in the air at the Westlock Meditation Center.

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